
Will Getting A TEFL/TESOL Help Me Get A Job In Thailand?


Getting a TEFL might help you develop some ideas for classes, but in terms of gaining employment, it won’t count for much in Thailand.

Have you got any teaching experience? If you have, then I wouldn't bother with a TEFL. Thai recruiters don't even look for TEFL nowadays, they are more interested in your degree, any Post Grad study, Extracurricular interests, and experience.

Having said this, if you insist on doing a TEFL maybe because you plan to work in say Spain in the distant future, a TEFL can come in handy. In-person is recommended or at least the 120-hour certificate. Online TEFL certificates are not always looked upon favorably.

When I was looking for work in Thailand, most schools wanted my bachelor's and diplomas to be authenticated, and that was their primary concern. Next, if your degree is not education-related, they prefer someone with a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA.

If no prior teaching experience, I’d recommend either the Cambridge CELTA or Trinity TESOL, forget the rest. I would also recommend you do the training in person. Cambridge CELTA or Trinity TESOL are industry gold.

Thailand is not Spain or Mexico. It is a requirement to hold a bachelor’s degree in order to apply for a work permit and an extension of stay at your nearest immigration bureau. Thai schools mostly use TEFL/TESOL backpackers as cannon fodder; ultimately, that’s how you’ll be treated if you don’t have any additional credentials for instance a Bachelor’s degree.

Ultimately, if you have a degree, you are OK, if not you'll have a problem finding work. If you are not a qualified teacher a degree at least is what you'll need starting out otherwise life will be a struggle. Doing a TEFL may give you a connection but in the many years I've been teaching here I've never heard of anyone being asked to show a TEFL cert or anything like it. Blond hair and blue eyes are more important to the Thais.


Blog by Catleaf


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